The three humans

Allow me an inference, a simple point of view: there are only three types of human beings. They are represented in the scene described in the gospel of Luke, chapter 23, on the mount called “skull”, each one of them on a cross. Of the first type, there is only one human being: Jesus Christ, alive, unique. On one of his sides, the second type of human being, the criminal who mocked him. On the other side, the third type, the criminal who recognized that he deserved that punishment, and who said to the one who represents the first type of human being “remember me when you come into your kingdom”. As there is only one of the first type of human being, because he is unique, it remains for each of us to fit into one of the remaining two. There are only two options, to be the evildoer who became proud or the evildoer who surrendered. Which one do you want to be? If you want to be the former, you don't need to do anything else. On the other hand, if you want to be the latter, get up, come to your senses, recognize, because there is only one way: the one human who lives, the one human who paid the price, the one and only human who represents the first type. I tell you, and of this you can be certain, what he, the one who lives, would say on the day when your journey is completed: “Today you will be with me in paradise”.


k l a u s d e g e u s