Blue sun

Rupert's turning point

Beginning of track 8 

The night is over, dawn arrives. Rupert is now aware that it was necessary to destroy the old and restart his journey as if it were the starting point. So he begins to rebuild his strongholds.

Rupert in the land of the Sun

Beginning of track 8 

Rupert feels that he now walks on different ground. A relaxed, familiar atmosphere comes to mind. A land where the sun shines constantly.

Blue sun

Duration: 7:07

Fábio Cardoso: Piano

Lauro de Castro Netto: Saxophone and bass

Rogério Proença: Guitar

David Fehrmann: Guitar

Klaus de Geus: Acoustic guitar adn synthesizers


More about the song

This song has lyrics that I wrote for my son Lucas, and that I ended up singing to my son Ian, who was born 15 years later. It's a father to son talk. The bossa nova style is an attempt (hopefully successful) to explore harmonization.

"Blue Sun" begins with "Rupert's turning point" and "Rupert in the land of the Sun".

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00008


filho, venha até aqui, deixe-me falar.

você cresça e se espelhe em águas claras.

siga-me de perto mas não siga os que me seguem,

que seja forte e se empenhe rumo ao norte.

muito claro você verá estrelas cintilantes

das que se acendem e daquelas que se apagam.

apague a luz e as contemple pois são finitas.

lembre-se daquele sol, nunca se apague.

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